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Effective Weight Management with LesoFat and LesoCarb

Successful weight loss takes programming, not willpower.
-Phil McGraw

Losing weight and maintaining normal weight can be a challenge for many. For most people, the desire to look fit is there but in reality the actions that should be considered are too hard to follow. Looking good by having to lose body fat and weight is just of part of being healthy but the major goal should be focused on having an overall healthy body. 

It's possible to get back in shape with proper nutrition, exercise and good supplements for fat loss like LESOFAT and LESOCARB. (photo credit Nutrition Authority)

Numerous research studies pointed out that obesity or being overweight is directly linked to many debilitating diseases. People who are obese are prone to diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, high cholesterol levels, arthritis, stroke and even cancer. 

What is obesity?
Obesity is considered a medical condition wherein the accumulated body fat can have a negative effect on your overall health. Too much body fat can affect major organs in the body triggering an imbalance that will affect the entire bodily system. Obesity is measured through Body Mass Index or BMI and the normal BMI range is from 18.5 to 24.9. Anything beyond BMI 25 is considered as obese. It is important that we should take note of our BMI to see our overall health standing. 

You can calculate and get an estimate of your BMI through this link to give you an idea.

Obesity in the Philippines
According to a study conducted by United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UN-FAO), the Philippines is now on top of the list alongside India as countries with highest population with obesity. 

The 2011 survey points out that 22.3% of adult Filipinos are overweight and about 6.1% are obese. A recent survey by Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) shows that for every 10 Filipinos there 3 individuals that are obese and this is such an alarming issue concerning the general health of the Filipino population.

Effective Weight Management
In order to stay fit and healthy there is really no shortcut or magic pill that can easily solve the fat factor problem. The best way is to adopt a healthy lifestyle such as having time for regular physical activities, limiting caloric intake and of course taking the best supplements for weight loss. And this is where LESOFAT and LESOCARB can help.

Healthy food choices is crucial for losing weight but blocking carbs and fat from food intake would be very beneficial in losing body fat and fighting obesity. (photo credit WebMD)

With Pinoys affinity for eating yummy food the chances are so high that these food choices are laden with fats and are high in carbohydrates. We all know that foods that are high in fat and carbo can easily contribute to body fat and weight gain. 

Good thing Innogen Pharma realizes the eating habits of Filipino which led to the development of two of the best weight loss products Lesofat and Lesocarb.

What is LesoFat?
If you can’t avoid eating those lechon, porkchop or chicharon you better take some precautionary efforts by at least cutting the your fat intake. This is possible with LESOFAT since it is formulated to block 30% of your fat intake from food through the pancreatic lipase inhibition. Lesofat comes in a’pelletech’ capsule form which can evenly distribute the non-systemic formula that will work only in the ‘gastro intestinal tract’ or GIT ensuring proper synthesis of fat.

LesoFat is available in 120 mg for obese adults and 60 mg for obese teenagers. Sold at Php33.00 (120mg) and Php29.75 (60mg) in box of 20’s. It is advised to take 1 capsule of LesoFat every high fat meal.

What is LesoCarb?
When it comes to cutting on carbo LesoCarb is the perfect supplement. Made entirely from nature’s bounty, Lesocarb is made from white kidney beans. White kidney bean can help regulate and control carbohydrate from food intake absorption by up to 66% that works only that gastro intestinal tract. Lesocarb is an all-natural carbo blocker that is non-systemic.

Lesocarb main action is to inhibit the alpha-amylase enzyme digestion thus blocking the conversion of starch into glucose which will lessen the calories being absorbed by the body.

LesoCarb is available in 500 mg capsule and sold at Php14.75/cap in box of 42’s. LesoCarb should be taken in 1-2 capsule dosage every high carbohydrate meal.

Both lesofat and lesocarb are available in leading drugstores nationwide. For more information and tips, follow them on Facebook: @LesoFat and @LesoCarb.


Innogen Pharma recently held a media event last August 24 at their office building in QC. This event aims to inform the public that there is always hope when it comes to losing weight and preventing body fat through innovative weight loss supplements LESOFAT and LESOCARB.

From L-R: Lesofat Project Body Ambassadors Marielle Mamaclay and Cindy Patrimonio, Innogen Pharmaceuticals' General Manager Ms. Amy Yuga, Dietician-Nutritionist Ms. Mitch Fabella, Innogen's Group Product Manager Ms. Nelia Lopez, Dr. Jimmy Aragon, Innogen's Business Unit Head, JP Guevara, and event host Jill Nog-Crisologo.
Lesofat Project Body ambassadors Cindy Patrimonio and Marielle Mamacla look good and fit as they are now halfway through the program.
Dietician-Nutritionist Ms. Mitch Fabella explains the benefits of taking Lesocarb

Innogen's Business Unit Head, JP Guevara

Dr. Jimmy Aragon explains the processes involve in fat and carbo blocking by Lesofat and Lesocarb

Coach Bryan Cay of 3rd Fithness Lab with event host Jill Nog-Crisologo talk about practical exercises that can be easily done

The media event features two beautiful women who are good role models for Lesocarb and Lesofat. Celebrity mom and PBA legend’s wife Cindy Patrimonio and vocal diva Marielle Mamaclay graciously share their weight loss struggles and success as they are already halfway with their fat loss challenge program. Innogen believed in these two ladies and they are the best Lesofat Project Body ambassadors that will inspire a lot of people.

Cindy Patrimonio’s Weight Loss Story

Cindy Patrimonio, wife of celebrity cager Alvin Patrimonio was quick to admit being guilty of Yoyo dieting in her younger days. She would compensate eating her favorite food by spending time at the gym. Working out neutralizes her food intake thus she often rely on her physical activity to maintain her ideal weight. 

Problem came when Cindy reached the age where metabolisms slows down drastically, she finds herself not being in control of her weight gain. Caught in harsh criticism of the public, Cindy couldn’t care less as she is only accountable for her own body. Realization only came at the time when she decided that she needs to be healthy for her own sake and her family. This was her turning point. 

Cindy quips, I decided I needed to change and start to get healthy last year. I was feeling sluggish, feeling bad about how I looked.  Being overweight for 16 years was long enough.  I wanted to do it in a healthy and sturdy way.  I was also feeling depressed mentally because of certain problems in life and I wanted to divert all that negative energy into something that would be a challenge for me.

Cindy’s biggest challenge was cutting back on her food intake as this is something new to her. She watched a lot of videos and research and soon as she got the hang of it, it was as easy as cooking pancakes according to Cindy. 

Another challenge for weight lost is when you run into a plateau, this is common among women and having to level up one’s fitness activity level should be continuous. Lucky for Cindy, Alvin is all out in supporting her and would often find himself accompanying her every now and then during her work out sessions.

Marielle Mamaclay’s Journey to Weight Loss

Singing out to a lighter figure nowadays is World Videoke champion Marielle Mamaclay.  Being a performer, one has to look presentable. Thus, when Marielle reached her heaviest weight and started to lose confidence, she felt ugly and cried a lot.

Marielle’s weight problem also took a toll on her health, she found herself getting sick almost every month. This was her wake up call. She still has big dreams for her family and could not let herself go down in spiral due to her weight problem.

She started a healthy diet and increased her physical activity. Weight loss would not be effective if you feel deprived. Thus, Marielle gives herself cheat days, giving in to her cravings of Pizza every once in a while.

Having cheat days are important in keeping up with weight loss struggles as it gives you the much needed balance. Both Cindy and Marielle credit their weight loss journey with the help of LesoFat and LesoCarb. It’s always better to #BeArmedwithLesofat and #ThinkLesocarb.

About InnoGen Pharmaceuticals Inc.
InnoGen Pharmaceuticals Inc., is a Company that makes a difference in the pharmaceutical industry through its thrust that is geared towards improving existing products into new forms making them acceptable drugs; that are cost-effective but of excellent quality, that will redound to the benefit and welfare of the end-users.

InnoGen Pharmaceuticals Inc., resulted from the fusion of nine Filipino-owned pharmaceutical companies which was initiated in June 2010. From the different therapeutic class of products; into it now only have the following areas of concentration: the Cardio-Metabolic Division, CNS and Gastro Division, and the Anti-infective and Respiratory Division. Ethical Marketing and Promotions are on a national coverage.

InnoGen Pharmaceuticals Inc., is guided by the following:
VISION to become the leader in the Philippine pharmaceutical market and be a globally competitive pharmaceutical company that would be known in technological innovations in the drug manufacturing field.

MISSION to develop and provide quality, innovative and affordable pharmaceutical products for the Filipinos and peoples around the globe.

VALUES            to instill in each associate in the Company: Health and Wellness, Integrity, Customer Focus, Commitment, Unity, Respect, Entrepreneurial Excellence and Practicality

InnoGen Pharmaceuticals Inc., is simply characterized by the catchphrase "Innovating Generics," and our battle cry is: "We Value Life."


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