“With every drop of water you drink, every breath you take, you're connected to the sea. No matter where on Earth you live.” -Sylvia Earle, Oceanographer SEA- a valuable source of life for all living creatures of this planet. This is how I personally feel about what sea is to me. I am not an expert swimmer, but I found solace amidst the calming waters of the sea. It revitalizes me and keeps on reminding me that every life is precious here on earth and that we owe it to the sea as the biggest natural resource of the planet. With about 70% of Earth’s surface is made of oceans, we all realized that the ecological marine flora and fauna is a significant part of our planet. We know that oceans are vital for our survival but somehow it is now extremely fragile and would need our help. Our seas are crying out for help and signs of destruction are obvious for us not to take part in saving our seas…. And this is where NAILAHOLICS is making stand! NAILAHOLI...
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